Vacation Watch
Provide us the details of your property and the date ranges you will be gone. Once added to our database, your property will be added to our list of vacation watches for officers to check on (time-permitting).
If you are a local business or residence, enter your contact information here for our records. In the event of an emergency, we will have quick access to your key holders.
At Risk Residents
If you are an At Risk Resident, or the primary contact, enter your contact information here for our records. In the event of an emergency, we will have quick access to your details.

Vacation Watch Program

The Vacation Watch Program is offered to residents of the Fairfield Glade Community. The program is designed for those who leave for an extended period of time, more than three (3) days, and would like their property to be checked. Members of the Fairfield Glade Police Department will make periodic checks on the property and will contact the homeowner of any suspicious or concerning issues.

Keyholder Program

The Keyholder program is designed for residents that reside within the Fairfield Glade Community to provide the Fairfield Glade Police Department with a key or code to access their residence in the case emergency entry is necessary. The ability to have accessibility to a residence in an emergency will prevent first responders from having to break a door or window and will allow first responders to provide emergency service quicker to the patient/victim. The homeowner's information can be submitted on the online form, but a key will still be required to be dropped off at the Fairfield Glade Police Department. 

At-Risk Resident Program

The At-Risk Resident Program is designed for residents who reside within the Fairfield Glade Community and who would be at risk if missing due to a pre-existing health condition, dementia, or any other intellectual, developmental, or physical disability. This program is also designed to provide information to first responders of a resident who may have difficulty with communication if contact is made by a law enforcement officer. This program is imperative to provide first responders with essential information about the missing person to expedite the search and rescue process. This program is for residents of all ages.

If this is an emergency, please call 911