Vacation Watch
Provide us the details of your property and the date ranges you will be gone. Once added to our database, your property will be added to our list of vacation watches for officers to check on (time-permitting).
Condition Report
Need to Report something unusual? Street lights out or any other potential safety issues. Provide us the details so we can take the necessary actions.
Pet Management
Provide us the details of your pet. Once added to our database, your pet information will be available to the police department in case of lost or stolen.
If you are a local business or residence, enter your contact information here for our records. In the event of an emergency, we will have quick access to your key holders.
At Risk Residents
If you are an At Risk Resident, or the primary contact, enter your contact information here for our records. In the event of an emergency, we will have quick access to your details.

This service is being provided by the Borough of Jefferson Hills and the Jefferson Hills Police Department to better serve our residents and businesses. Simply choose one of the options above and complete the attached form with the required information.  That requisite information will be forwarded directly to the Jefferson Hills Police Department and will allow us to better assist with handling your request and our calls for service, now or in the future.  

If this is an emergency, please call 911